


  • 公司: 洛阳逖悉开钢丝绳检测技术有限公司
  • 地址: 洛阳高新开发区火炬创新创业园B座
  • 联系: 市场客服
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 0379-65112555
  • 一键开店


TCK弱磁检测产品在中国的市场占有率超过80%,并已进入欧、美、日、韩、澳等发达国家市场。TCK在全球的客户超过1500家,ABB、OTIS 、POSCO、FOERSTER、KOSHA等公司均已成为TCK服务的客户。

 TCK是钢丝绳检测领域中获得博士后工作站资格的高科技企业;

 TCK检测技术被列入国家火炬计划和国家科技发展规划;

 TCK已通过ISO9000质量管理体系认证和煤安、防爆等多项认证;

 TCK还通过了欧盟CE、美国FCC、加拿大IC等多个国家的相关认证;



TCK owns the weak magnetism inspection technology which is recognized as the most advanced technology at present in the world, and also TCK owns the all intellectual property rights of technological achievements of independent innovationWeak Magnetic Technology. TCK serial products are widely used in such important areas of wire rope inspection as mining, ports, lifting machinery, steel mills, petroleum, shipbuilding, elevators, aerospace, cable-stayed bridges, army equipment, power plants, water conservancy, construction, ropeway, recreational facilities, and other industries.

TCK products have captured over 80% of domestic market shares, and have entered EU, U.S., Japan, and Australia markets. TCK has over 1500 customers world wide, and many internationally well-known companies like ABB, OTIS, POSCO, FOERSTER, KOSHA have become the customers of TCK.,

TCK is the only high-tech company authorized as Postdoctoral Programme Station in the field of wire rope inspection in China.

TCK Inspection Technology has been included in the China National Torch ProjectandChina National Safe Production Technology Development Plan

TCK passed ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certification , Coal Mine Safe , explosion-proof and many other authoritative certifications;

TCK gained EU CE Certificate, U.S. FCC Certificate, Canada IC Certificate and other relevant certificates;

In four short years, the enterprise value of TCK has increased by 200 times

TCKs goal: To be the leader in the field of ferromagnetic materials inspection in the world.



  • 主营: TCK钢丝绳探伤仪,TCK电梯钢丝绳探伤仪,TCK钢丝绳在线检测系统
  • 地址: 洛阳高新开发区火炬创新创业园B座
  • 联系: 市场客服
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 0379-65112555
  • 邮箱: tck@tck-cn.com
  • 本站共被浏览过 7475 次

