


  • 公司: 北京泰莱特展览有限责任公司厦门分公司
  • 地址: www.talent-expo.com
  • 联系: 林秀娟
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 0592-2226159
  • 一键开店

北京泰莱特展览有限责任公司成立于1999年,是国内早提供出国展览服务的专业展览公司之一,具有丰富的业内经验。目前,公司展览业务覆盖国内外展览市场,行业展览覆盖,参展企业众多。在组织海外展览业务中,泰莱特展览公司始终坚持将国外的展览会介绍给国内的生产商和贸易商,以帮助企业开拓国际市场,并提供的出国展览服务,包括:企业咨询、参展分析、展会资讯、展位设计、摊位装修、境外行程安排、商务考察、签证培训、展品运输、出入境手续以及代理申请相关政策性补贴等,以满足不同客户的需求。公司的展会项目已经覆盖到德国、法国、英国、意大利、美国、日本、巴西、阿联酋、俄罗斯等国家以及港澳地区,同众多国际知名展览会机构建立了密切合作关系。近十年来,泰莱特展览公司共组织超过3000家企业出国参展,每年出展项目达到60多个,展出产品包括消费品、礼品、玩具、文具、家纺服装、体育用品、鞋类、建材卫浴类,以及五金、劳保安防类等。 近年来,随着业务的发展,泰莱特展览公司逐步进入了国内展览市场,尤其是承办的由杭州市人民政府与中国轻工工艺品进出口商会共同主办的中国(杭州)国际花园、户外家具及休闲用品展和欧洲休闲食品协会与中国食品土畜进出口商会共同主办的中国(北京)国际休闲食品展都取得了非常好的经济和社会效益。除北京总部外,泰莱特展览公司在上海、厦门设有分公司,拥有一批责任心强、综合素质高、业务能力强、热情向上的员工。泰莱特展览公司员工团队以精良的展会项目和高品质的专业服务,极大地拓宽了参展企业的贸易与合作渠道,赢得了众多参展企业的好评。

We, Beijing Talent-Expo Co., Limited, are an exhibition company who has been providing professional services to the exporters in China since 1999 .Our mission is that to introduce to Chinese exporters only the trade shows that most helpful to their marketing plans, and to provide the exhibitors with most valued services. Our service package include export marketing consulting, trade show analysis and selection, booth design and decoration, traveling planning, visa consulting, exhibition samples transportation and trade show subsidy application, etc. Today we have many world renowned trade show organizers as our business partners, and our trade show projects cover many countries and regions including Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, Turkey, Poland, U.S.A., Japan, U.A.E., Australia and Hong Kong. Since establishment, we have organized more than 2000export enterprises in China to attend 60 trade shows abroad in the product categories of gift, stationery, textile, toy, sporting goods, shoes, hardwares, building materials, security guarding and labor protection items etc.

We have a capable team composed of well-educated, experienced, hardworking and customer oriented employees. With the efforts by our team, today more and more exhibitors become our loyal customers.



  • 主营: 北京泰莱特展览有限责任公司厦门分公司
  • 地址: www.talent-expo.com
  • 联系: 林秀娟
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 0592-2226159
  • 邮箱: linxiujuan@talent-expo.com
  • 本站共被浏览过 27113 次

