



上海合晖防火材料有限公司创建于1997年,是上海森林特种钢门有限公司下属子公司。公司致力于中国建筑防火事业,防止火灾、征服火魔是我们不懈追求的目标。 公司为适应我国电力工业大力发展,以及船舶工业、高层建筑、化工行业的防火需要,公司与专业科研机构共同研制开发并生产:防火涂料、防火堵料、防火玻璃、防烟密封材料等系列被动防火产品。经过多年的国内外客户的使用,“安安牌”系列防火材料深受青睐,是建筑防火真正的守护者。



Shanghai Hehui Fireproof Material Limited Co.ltd., to establish in 1997, is holding subsidiary company of Shanghai Senlin Special Type Steel Door Co.ltd.. The company concentrates on Chinese building fire prevention business, prevent froming a fire and conquering the fire evil is the target that we pursue unremittingly.

Our country for the orientation the electric power industry develops strongly, and ships industry, key figures building, the fire prevention of the chemical engineering profession demand, the company and professional research organizations research to manufacture development to combine the production together: The refractory coating, fire prevention blocks up to anticipate, prevent fire the glass and defend the smoke to seal completely the passive fire prevention product of series of etc. of material. Through many usage of the domestic and international customer of years," Anne's Anne's card" series fire prevention the material is subjected to the favor deeply, is a building fire prevention really the one who guard.

Our company is owning the strong professional technique power, the initiative inside the profession approves the certificate through the quantity ISO9001-2000 system argument and a pattern of public security officials, product for many times pass the national fire prevention building material quantity direct examination center of take out the check. Full-automatic close to produce the flowing water line, insure the stability of the product quantity, the company is the metals structure association group of Shanghai City member, is also a Chinese fire fight association member. The company series product is in each important engineering in whole country extensive usage, if QIN SHAN Check the electricity station, engineering of Yangtse gorges, the public etc. of Shanghai. The company keeps the policy of " the quantity first, compete with the quantity, beg the development with the prestige, insure the safety credibility".

The company will be in the light of mutual benefit, the principle that advantage with each other repair, provide the more economic and more dependable product for you, welcome domestic and international new old friend, ability person's person with ideals and integrity comes to Inquire .



  • 主营: 上海防火涂料价格,上海防火堵料厂家,上海防火门密封件
  • 地址: 上海浦东新区机场镇森塘路28号
  • 联系: 黎义鹏
  • 手机: 18221356561
  • 电话: 182-21356561
  • 邮箱: nopromises2010@163.com
  • 本站共被浏览过 40340 次

